So to say i am excited would be an understatement. i woke up at 5 this morning. i couldn't sleep. I haven't been this excited about a Christmas in a very long time.
We all got some wonderful presents and i had my camera on me all day just snapping about at everything. just getting a feel for the day. i wasn't too fussed about working on the project because i was more interested in just enjoying the day but i always take photos on Christmas day anyhow so i thought i might as well.
The above photo shows my mums mum, rum and coke in hand. looking pretty chuffed. shes in her best top and trousers. with all her jewellery on. Something about Christmas day makes everyone feel like they have to look their best. its not the best photo but i love her facial expression.
Now on Christmas day my dad and brother both got given the same shirt. they are a spitting image of each other anyhow so obviously photos had to be taken of them to show just how similar they are
Now this is where i started to get very interested in how we look like our parents and reverted back to what i was looking at for the large format project. my brother who is 18 looks the exact same as my dad did when he was 18. its very strange to see. however it gets even better. For my grandads (my dads dad) was also with us on Christmas day and by some freaky chance he turned up also wearing a yellow shirt. It did make us laugh. But what is strange is that my dad who is 46 looks the same as my granddad did when he was the same age. its almost like real life view of how one person will age. so a photo of the 3 of them had to be taken... obviously.

After taking a series of photos of them all stood next to each other i started to think and become inspired For the large format project i overlayed an image of my mum and my mums mum to show how similar they are and how their faces are pretty much the same. so then i came up with a little side project that i want to work on. i want to get portraits of each family member and do overlays of the faces to see how we inherit different features and how our faces fit into each others.
So as you can see any photography for personal view was sort of over shadowed on Christmas day but i'm not too fussed about that because it made me really inspired to work on a different personal project.
Now tomorrow my family fly off on holiday so i'll be spending the next 4/5 days with my mums mum. so my project will hopefully progress during this week =).