Monday 17 December 2012

Prep For Christmas

So whilst everyone else has buggered off home for Christmas i'm still at university... oh the joys of having a job. However because i am headed home on Thursday and on Saturday i am going with my mum and dad to collect my mums mum to bring her over to ours for Christmas.

now over Christmas my family are going on holiday so this means that i get to 'look after' my mums mum and hopefully i can work on my project even more. If all goes to plan i will not only develop my own relationship with her but also learn more about her as a person and her views on our family and the way she sees things.

So far i have looked at her life in regards to her house and i was initially wanting to focus on how she is coping now that she is the only one in the house for the first time ever. this is a strong enough subject on its own because her loneliness is very clear and in photos in her eyes you can tell how she feels. But there's so much more to her. really i could easily spend years photographing her. She really is that interesting.

However for the Christmas break my plan is to mainly talk to her. get to understand her and on Christmas day see how she interacts with everyone else because this is the first ever Christmas she has spent with us so it really is a complete change.

Any ways, i'm off to work... need to earn some pennies.

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