Friday 28 December 2012

Home time

Today i had to take my mums mum home. I wanted to spend longer with her but tomorrow i have to return to Cheltenham for work so unfortunately i cant. I had to drive her back in brum which i was really worried about because he does have a habit of breaking down but luckily i got her home safely.

once i'd manged to get her to hers we pottered about the house for a bit then went for lunch. i wanted to spend the whole day with her but my cars lights dont work at the moment so i had to leave early to make sure i was home before dark.

However i did get a few shots. Mainly of her showing me things she bought before Christmas. shes become very accustomed to the camera and doesn't really notice it but you can tell when she wants her photo taken. she loves the attention.

I think this is a nice portrait of her. its soft and her expression is natural. it also adds her personality to the image because shes randomly holding something. but this adds to the image and i dont think it would of been as effective if she hadn't been holding the cat calender. the lighting is very yellow and this can be edited but i like the warm feel it has on the image. plus she looks very healthy in the image, over the week that i've spent with her shes been so much better shes eaten all of her meals, shes laughed more and had far more energy. shes even slept at night. sounds abit like a baby but this is the thing with her, she needs to be around people and if she'd of been on her own this year we probably would of had a repeat of last year with her in hospital for an overdose. thats why its been so important for me to be around my mums mum this Christmas.

Now even she doesn't know why she bought this fan. She found it funny either way. the light above her head is annoying on this photo. that can be edited out though. but my main focus fr this photo is the details and mainly the bruise on her hand. though the image looks fun and cheerful. it gives an insight into how she does have health problems and that sometimes i forget just how frail shes become.

Now because i have work for the next week i've got to have a week off shooting but once my family return from their holiday i will be going over to my mums mums to get some more shots. this time i'll be focusing on her and my mum and their relationship. How they interact and get on.

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