Thursday 14 February 2013

The book layout. final

now today the plan was to get my book printed and then i could start creating the book.
however that didn't exactly go to plan. i wanted to get in printed as one long sheet of paper so that i didn't have to worry about cutting and taping it all together, but that wasn't meant to be so now i've had to go back and change it so that the book can be printed in sections. bit of a pain but these things happen.

now the layout looks brilliant.

here are what each page looks like-

here shows each page layout in the order they will be in the book. The wording has been placed centrally on some pages and there is a mix of text and imagery on others. 

i am pleased with this layout now and this will be the final design. 

i have had to layout the pages like this though to get them printed now because i cant get in printed as one long strip

this will be printed tomorrow and then my book can start being made.

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