Now after days and days of intently looking at contact sheets, making mini edits, sticking pictures to my walls and scribbling all over my photos i have final made a final edit for my book. huzzah!
I am really please with my edit and feel it shows everything that i want it to in order to get the story and point across. i have included images of the house, my mums mum and her moving about the house. on their own the images do hint at the story however to make it stronger the wording will accompany the images and this will not only tell the story but give an insight into how my mums mum is and what her feelings are towards the hoard.
so here they are my intently considered edit...
now they are not in order at this point but are just to show the edit itself. the order and layout is still being adjusted so that i have the best possible design for my book.
the above image i felt needed to be included, it cuts off part of her face and focuses on her looking at a piece of paper whilst being surrounded my junk. its a very powerful image and though her face isn't visible a sense of confusion is clear. this puts an emphasis her personal view on the house.
this image had to be included. it basically sums up the story and adds a more light hearted side to the story. this image has also helped me to develop a name for the book and it has given me a good starting point on which to work the other images around.
now this image is one that i keep coming back to as the starting image for the book. its not shocking a such but it does boldly show exactly what the story is about and clearly shows the mess. most of the other images are slightly more subtle when showing the mess but i feel that this one is needed to just emphasise how bad it really is and by shooting into a door way showing the floor and where the window is the scale of it all becomes more apparent.
this image is one that i think will work well as a closing image. the text on the mug is what made me choose it. the mug says ' keep calm and pray' this relates to both my mum and my mums mum and references to how we all feel about the house. my mum gets very agitated and worried about it and my mums mum is very religious so her answer is to just pray that everything will be ok. they are both looking at a photo and have a questioning look on their faces and it shows a small insight into how we feel and how tense being in the house can be.

i find this image very strong. it focuses on my mum, and by doing this it portrays the fact that it is up to her now. the focus is on her to get her mum to tidy the house she is the only one who can help her and she is the only one who can encourage any sort of improvement this means there's alot of stress on my mums part becasue its a lot ot take on. and it if very difficult to cope with. the image has my mums mum out of focus in the background tirying or at least moving things around which emphasizes the strain and pressure my mum has.
this is an image of the lounge. it shows the clutter and the mess. the angle of the image portrays the scale of the room as well to allow the viewer to get a better understanding of how bad it is.the tones in the image make it very single coloured and dull.
this image shows the upstairs back bedroom. the floor cant be seen and its full of rubbish. this image is included because it shows the mess and gets the point across. and in the layout it will be placed next to a closer up image to make the book flow a bit better. it is a strong image and adds to the story.
this image is simple and just a close up of some envelopes on the side. it has her name on it so it relates to her and the wording to go with the image will make it more interesting and powerful. my mums mum has lived in this house for over fifty years. shes written the same name and address for a very long time so it seemed important to include this in the book. it will show her relationship to the house and how the address is just whats written on the page. the house itself is far more than just her home. it was her husbands home and her children but it no longer reflects the happier times.

this is also a strong image. the focus and angle of the image works very well and the image is fitting with the others in the set. the image shows a very large pair of glasses which obviously look very hard to loose and oddly enough with all the mess in the house she can always find this pair no matter what. however these are her house glasses. i think they may possibly be my mums dads glasses but she wears them when no ones around. even i have rarely seen her wear them. she doesn't like them.
this image just had to be included. the light across the wall and across the floor/junk is very strong and makes the image. the lighting shadows some of the junk and although its still visible it doesn't seem as bad. this reflects on how my mums mum see the house, she rarely opens the curtains and doesn't venture into half the rooms. everything is shut away in the dark so its out of sight out of mind.
this image had to be included in the set because it shows her sorting through things in the lounge. i wanted to include a range of shots which show her sorting and tidying things to show that she is trying to clear the house. this also adds another side to the story because it shows that she is wanting to do something about it.
This image was a crop from a larger image that i felt was too similar to the image below. by cropping out the top half of the image it has made the focus on her hands and her tidying. this puts an emphasis on her clearing the house and clearing it by herself. the composition of the image works very well and it adds a different element to the set that is closer and more intimate. although the focus is on her hands she is surrounded by other distracting things that also add to the image even more and show how hard it is to focus on tidying one particular thing when there's so much around.

I particularly like this image because of the lighting. as with many of the images in this set it is the lighting that makes the image successful. the focus is on her and the image was taken in the kitchen. the kitchen is still cluttered but it is in a usable state so that means that when we go over we spend most of our time in the kitchen while she wanders off and brings us things from other rooms. rather than us going with her into the rooms she's rather go off and get it herself. so this image shows her getting something out of the bag to show us. the composition works very well with her being in the centre of the image so the focus stays on her. shes got one hand in the bag and is looking down at it which makes you question whats in the bag.
Now from these image i can start creating my layout and book design. the images have been edited slightly but they do still need t be adjusted further to make then look even better. especially because some still haven't got the right lighting and this needs to be adjusted slightly to remove the yellow tinge that is apparent throughout.
Once that has all been changed and decided upon i can get the photos printed and begin constructing the book.